
What People Are Saying

“Um???? how have I never seen this perfection? The transitions from talking to singing were amazing, it felt seamless esp for a film/video version”


“I don't even have words for how satisfying this was to watch. As a die hard Wicked fan, beginning with the soundtrack, then to the book, and then the Broadway musical, I can't stress enough the importance on true storytelling that is necessary for this tale. And this knocked it out of the park. Another commentor was right, I wanted to see two fresh faces I'd never seen before and these two performers were IT. And they FLEW! Wish I could see a full movie of them.”

— @musicaldramaqueen

“I can't stop watching this many many times a day and singing along. This was beautifully shot, They were truly acting and felt like real people while it was going on. Thats rare in a musical so..I'm so happy <3. Please do another musical!”

— @KibaUrufu

“The combination of the acting and the direction is SPOT ON! This is exactly how I'd want to see these lines performed in a hypothetical big budget Wicked movie. I was immediately on board by 0:32, where we see Elphaba's expression slooooowly change and she looks up when she realizes what Glinda is saying to her. Just an A+ video, well done to everyone involved.”

— @ghostsurfer666

“Oh my gosh! “We WANT MORE!!! WE WANT MORE!!!” Beautiful effects, beautiful performances, well done!!!!!

— @ninjamcnuggets

“I'm honestly holding back TEARS for how good this is. If this director and these actors had been given a blockbuster budget they could have produced a fantabulous beyond our wildest dreams full length film, but even with a small budget they did something AMAZING here. Thank you to the cast and crew for providing such an amazing experience. I got to see Wicked live back when I was able bodied and capable of hiking to the nosebleeds, and you've truly captured the magic of the live experience in an 8 minute short.”

— @alliekingsley7919


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